How Learning From Home Empowers Children and Their Families

By June 28, 2017 July 12th, 2017 Blog

Today, children and their families are presented with many educational models to select from. These choices allow families to create custom, enhanced learning experiences with countless benefits for their children. One particular model of education that has become increasingly popular is independent study, which allows children to learn from the comfort of their home or any other space outside of a traditional classroom. Families that choose independent study are helping to redefine education in America.

Compass Charter Schools (CCS) offers two flexible academic programs, Online and Options (home study), which allow scholars to enjoy learning outside of a traditional classroom. Here are a few key ways that learning from home, through an independent study program, can empower children and their families:

Strategic Planning
Independent study allows parents to get more involved in, or even lead, their children’s educational journey. While learning from home, scholars can easily share their class lessons and assignments with their families. Parents can take a more hands-on approach, and be more supportive in the learning process as they guide their scholars and plan for the future.

Through independent study, parents can get more involved with the educational material, and ensure that all important subjects are covered for the future success of their children. While learning from home, scholars have the time to explore more areas of interest and develop passions or hobbies that can guide their future in the right direction. Independent study offers a level of flexibility that allows them to strategically plan for their future by working with their parents to create a custom learning experience based on personal interests and goals.

Better Time Management
Learning from home gives scholars the option to either follow the traditional six-hour day schedule or to study at different times throughout the week. Unlike traditional schools, learning from home gives them the flexibility to create a custom learning schedule that they can structure around their interests, responsibilities, careers, and life goals.

Independent study helps scholars develop a strong sense of time management as they learn how to focus their efforts and ignore distractions to simultaneously excel in their studies and personal goals. Time management is a critical part of achieving success in adulthood, and scholars that choose to learn from home are able to quickly develop this important skill.

Stronger Personal Relationships
Children that learn from home are able to build closer relationships with their families and teachers. Independent study allows scholars to easily share their studies and class work with their parents and other family members. Learning from home can spark more family conversation around scholars’ perspectives or opinions of their school work and ultimately encourage closer relationships between scholars, families, and teachers.

Learning from home also encourages children to build closer relationships with their teachers, whether that be a parent through home study, or a teacher through online education. Scholars who learn from home have more virtual access through email, text messages, video chats and phone calls. Teachers in an independent study program do not face the same challenges as teachers in traditional schools, and therefore have more time and the resources to be available for support. It’s important that scholars build strong relationships with their teachers to enhance their learning experience. Independent study encourages these strong personal connections and helps create more opportunities for success.

Varied Social Experiences
Learning from home gives scholars the chance to interact with a variety of people. They have the chance to study outside of a traditional classroom and have interactions with people of all ages and backgrounds.

For younger scholars, this provides the opportunity to engage with peers and adults, which can enhance their overall educational experience. Learning to feel comfortable and confident when engaging with a variety of people creates a strong foundation for their communication and relationship skills in the future.
Interested in learning more about online education or homeschooling through Compass Charter Schools? Check out our academic programs. Ready to enroll? Contact our enrollment team at or (877) 506-8631 to get started!

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